Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Repo Aircraft Auctions

Repo Aircraft Auctions

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S3a Aircraft

S3a Aircraft

S3a Aircraft - A crossing of the equator on any American warship is a rite of passage, an important tradition. Even as early as the 1980s, naval traditions were slipping through the fingers of sailors and were not being replaced with anything substantive.

Being woken up by screaming voices and hands pounding stand-up lockers sent me back to that first morning at Great Lakes. My once faithful SENSO comrades had donned the clothes one would expect to find on pirates and herded us to the hangar bay to join a significant majority of the carrier's crew.

S3a Aircraft

Lieutenant Commander Jeffrey Dalgliesh | Royal Australian Navy

There, we were reminded that all humans were born a Wog (short for "Pollywog," a tadpole or a sailor who has not yet crossed the line) and nothing was of a lower life form than a Wog.

Successful Cod Formulas

“ESM hit from a Snoop Tray!” the COTAC excitedly calls out. At the same time, the TACCO says a Link 11 ESM contact is displayed giving a relatively good fix on where the possible submarine might be transmitting.

It's looking more and more like an actual submarine since the transmissions are only single sweeps. She is clearly trying to find the battlegroup with her mast-extended Snoop Tray radar. I ask the TACCO if I can radiate to try and gain contact on the exposed masts.

He hesitates, then says "No. We have a fix, let's go in and drop a pattern and try and maintain some measure of surprise.” The Navy's Carrier-Based Aerial Refueling System (CBARS) initiative, now commonly referred to as the MQ-25 Stingray program, has heated up, and all three competitors have unveiled their proposed unmanned tanker designs.

But considering the dwindling ambitions and ever-lengthening timelines that have plagued the Navy's initiative to field a drone of any kind for its carriers, one has to question why the service needs a purpose-built tanker drone at all, especially considering that a potentially far

Languishing In The Desert But Not Ignored

more economical and faster solution may have been quietly baking in the Arizona sun for nearly a decade. I reported to the TACCO that I wasn't seeing or hearing anything distinctive from this contact that I could use to make a classification with.

That was good news. The odds were clearly against it being one of the friendly U.S. nuclear boats. He warned me we were almost there and I pasted my face against my tiny, tiny window….and it flashed by.

We flew, first to NAS North Island and stayed overnight. It was a remarkable "full-circle" for me to walk back into the Trainer Building and say hello to all my instructors. All 10 of the flight crews were exhausted from our seven months at sea and slept the night away.

Early the following morning, our 10 aircraft launched out of San Diego and flew across the incredibly beautiful expanse of the United States—well, what I could see of it out my tiny window, anyway. Flight ops were once again suspended for the duration as we now raced south to the bottom of the world.

S-W Viking |

Bill Walton

The aircraft that could not be stored in the hangar bay were tied down and sealed off against the elements. We all anticipated that our carrier would be tossed about by the weather and seas Cape Horn is notorious for.

We were surprised by a relatively clear, cold morning sky as the Nimitz' Navigator invited everyone to see the very southern tip of South America off our starboard side. What was so fascinating about all of these systems is how the GPDC, a computer produced in the late 1960s, could take input from them and create displays for all four of the Viking's crew to perform the various roles assigned.

Once the sensors had detected a specific threat, the computer could take input from aircraft avionics and move the airplane to intercept the target, automatically releasing its weapons. In other words, with input from all crew stations, the TACCO (Tactical Coordinator) could "fly" the plane from the backseat using fly-to-points (FTPs) and sensor/weapons select choices.

As the aircraft symbol—or "bug" as we called it—captured the tasking symbology, the computer would send electrons to those particular parts of the aircraft and perform the assigned function. Pretty damn cool for an aircraft designed in the late '60s.

Stripped-Down Heavy Hauler

I enter the paraloft, which is a few doors down from our ready room. My flight gear, along with the individual gear of every other AW, pilot and NFO in the squadron, is hanging from one of the pegs along the bulkhead.

I pull on all my flight gear and make my way out to the flight deck. Much like professional athletes who train for the big game, military units train for war. But one of the unique things about serving aboard a warship or a deployed unit in the United States Navy is that the enemy you are planning to fight kindly offers his services to help you prepare for that war.

An aircraft carrier battlegroup's deployment to the North Atlantic or the Mediterranean ensured a Soviet naval response and presence allowing both sides to potentially discover and learn how the other would act in time of war.

It will be very interesting to see what the cost predictions are for rebuilding the S-3 into a true COD machine, but considering what is already acting as rattlesnake shades in the Arizona Desert (around 90 usable S-3s), and the off the

Could Have Been A Whole New Texaco

shelf technologies that could be applied to this already adaptable platform, I think the V-22 and an upgraded Greyhound may have a hard fight in front of them. "You were right, it was Charlie. Just a couple of minutes of contact!”

They left and I waited to be dragged by my flightsuit collar at the strong hand of my Chief behind the curtain that separated the ready room from our tiny squadron operations office. As we taxi, I'm going through my various sensor systems ensuring they are working correctly.

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Meanwhile, the COTAC or pilot is giving us a running commentary of where we are on the flight deck (particularly at night and/or in bad weather) providing us with situational awareness. The weapons bay was modified to carry cargo and a huge cargo pod was carried on a wing station that could be stuffed with all types of material.

The US-3A was faster and longer ranged than the C-2 and could be aerial refueled, but it could not carry big items like jet engines and other out-sized cargo. Interestingly enough, Lockheed pitched an idea where they would build a stretched, fatter US-3 that would retain the wings and control surfaces of the original Viking, but the fuselage would be 100% COD optimized and capable of handling up to 30 passengers as well

The Blivets That Outlived Their Owners

as spare jet engines. Sure, it's pretty wild to wish for conflict just to see the iconic "Turkey Bird" prove itself again in battle and go out with a thundering bang, but hey, people LOVED that jet.

Sadly, it seemed that for every person that fought for the Tomcat's reprieve, another one misunderstood the more humble yet adaptable S-3, and in the end only the true combat aircraft nerds or those within NAVAIR who realized what the Navy was giving up really

cried against its premature demise. Oh, and despite the hard-to-contain joy that issued from every aircrewman's heart and soul when we briefed for the big fly-off from the boat going back to the beach, the ready room was filled with the requisite moan when that poor pilot

once again discovered he was scheduled to fly the dreaded blivet bird. Any number of scenarios can present themselves to a battlegroup, but it is rare that we were not aware of the general undersea picture around us because of intelligence sources, primarily from the Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS).

There Can Be Only Six

However, contact on a SOSUS array did not mean the submarine was localized, much less being closely tracked in many areas of the open waters in the Atlantic and certainly along the coastal boundaries of that ocean.

That is where MPAs, surface ships, and allied submarines came into play. Then, once a Soviet boat entered the Mediterranean, diligent tracking did not guarantee we would maintain constant contact. Thus, regenerating contact with battlegroup ships' hull-mounted sonars and towed arrays (if they carried one) along with allied MPAs and the S-3s from the carrier, was an absolute priority.

The idea of ​​retooling the mothballed S-3 Viking fleet into unmanned drones popped up in a twitter conversation recently on our friend Stephen Trimble's page. At first, I had the feeling of deja-vu, but then I remembered I proposed doing just that six years ago and brought it up again two years later.

Additionally, I will never be able to say enough about the helo community where the AWs in the back of the SH-3 Sea King, the SH-2 Seasprite, and the SH-60B Seahawk not only performed similar tasks as their fixed-wing

1/72 S3a Viking Vs24 Scouts 1978 – Hobbyco

brethren, but routinely risked their lives as SAR swimmers by leaving their aircraft "so others may live." In my view, these guys defined the concept of hero each and every day the rotors turned overhead. The Navy is no stranger to the V-22, as NAVAIR also runs the Marine's air arm component, which now owns hundreds of MV-22s.

Additionally, the Navy was supposed to buy about fifty of the V-22s to partially replace its tandem rotor CH-46s Sea Knights for multi-mission duties, including vertical replenishment, but this never happened and today MH-60S largely does the CH-

46's job. Finally, my pilot turns to us and we begin our crew brief discussing the mission and then emergency procedures. I listen intently as he covers "Single Engine Failure off the Cat" with the COTAC and they go through the procedure together, actually acting it out as if they were in the cockpit.

He then picks a random emergency procedure from Part V or "Section Five" of our NATOPS manual, usually something related to ejection or emergency egress from the aircraft. It is always something we long-ago committed to brain and muscle memory.

He calls out “Man-Seat Separation Failure.” As we verbalize it together, I close my eyes and act it out in my chair: My mind was reeling as I was instantly transported back to the acrid smell in the trainer at NAS Willow Grove.

At least in the Viking, I did have a small window, a limited view out the COTAC's windscreen, and no burning paper. Were I to transition (back) to the P-3, I'd be puking multiple times each flight.

I simply had no options. I had come so far. I had to stay in the S-3. I dropped the FLIR and rotated it as they approached and, for the first time in my life, I got to see these breathtaking beauties occupying the same airspace I was in!

One Tomcat gracefully took station on each of our wings. Another two held station on opposite wings but off and behind their wingmen. Two more flew well after us. I could not believe that I was here at this moment in time!

We stayed for what seemed an eternity on BENO station. Sadly, our presence did nothing to free Terry Waite or the other hostages (Waite would remain a prisoner until 1991). As the Mediterranean winter transitioned into spring, I gained flight hours, experience and, to some degree, confidence in myself as a Viking SENSE.

However, the battle group was about to enter into a major Sixth Fleet/NATO exercise known as Dragon Hammer '87, and I would face another opportunity to be hammered by yet another dragon that would force me to get a clue as to just how much

1/72 S-3 Viking - Hasegawa Naval - Imodeler

responsibility a single, kid-AW in a multi-million dollar aircraft had in determining whether we would kill an enemy or a friend. I quickly pulled the ATR out of the recorder and made my way to the ASMOD.

The TACCO and COTAC beat me there by a few minutes. All of us are still in our flight gear, all three of our helmets resting on the watch officer's desk. During the debrief, we reviewed the tape.

We also found out the reason why the Victor was so quiet. She was a Victor III. Our pilots and crew team members undergo training & certifications above what is required by the FAA Part 107 Regulations.

We do this to ensure the highest level of professionalism and scene safety during all missions. As I reach the flight deck, I put my helmet on since the HS-9 plane guard Sea King is launching.

Aircraft 710 is on elevator #1 and I only have a short walk to take from the protection of the carrier's island superstructure. Considering just four aircraft based on the MQ-25 winning design will be built before the Navy decides if it will order a total of 72 aircraft, there are plenty of S-3s to satisfy this requirement.

As we mentioned before, the beauty of using the S-3 is that Navy could obtain its first prototypes far faster than what's demanded under the MQ-25 contract, under which the first four aircraft won't be delivered until around 2023. And that

is if everything goes as planned and if the program even survives until then. Foxtrot Alpha is a big fan of the DoD making the very most out of the assets it has already purchased before blowing extreme amounts of cash on new ones.

The recycling of the S-3 sounds like a terrific opportunity to do just that. The S-3's two remarkable, reliable, and extremely efficient engines could keep it aloft for MPA-like hours if necessary and ensure its safe return.

It also had a relatively large fuselage disciplined by the designers to effectively contain the avionics, sensors, weapons, and crew needed to prevent a submarine from ruining an aircraft carrier's day. And while most products produced for the military are designed for a current threat at the time an engineer sharpens their new pencil, the early 1970s Viking was built with room to grow in anticipation of the evolutionary progress of the Soviet submarine through the remainder of the 20th

Century and into the 21st. WTF! ME? I had never flown an airplane before. With caution and some reluctance, I put my hand around the stick. Russ then talked me through turns (he kept a light touch on his control stick and did the throttle work).

The Life And Times Of An S-3A Viking Sensor Operator, Part One: It Wasn't  Just A Job, But An Adventure - The Aviation Geek Club

Then, an aileron roll (that amazed me and scared the hell out of me). Then, he took me through a loop. All the while, he kept a running commentary forcing my mind to focus on what I was doing and not listening to my stomach.

The TACCO and I then head out of the Ready Room and go forward down the long passageway on the O-3 level to the ASMOD to pick up the TTC (Tape Transport Cartridge) and ATR (Analog Tape Recorder).

I check in with the AWs to see if there are any submarines of interest out there. They tell us that a Soviet Foxtrot class diesel boat left its anchorage off Tunisia four days ago and for us to be on the lookout for it.

My TACCO heads to CVIC to get the 35mm intel camera and I head to the VS-24 Paraloft to suit up for the flight. Long endurance, fuel efficiency and lots of space for electronics and sensors were capabilities in incredibly high demand over the last decade, but for some reason the Viking remained in many people's minds as a sub hunter or a tanker.

I even proposed turning at least a portion of the Viking fleet into unmanned aircraft, in an attempt to bridge the gap between the X-47B like UCAVs of tomorrow and the known manned systems today. I then drop back out of the crew hatch and begin a quick external preflight, checking avionics bays for secured boxes, the Liquid Oxygen (LOX) bay for any signs of frost or ice on the 10 liter LOX 'bottle' (which looks more like

a green basketball than a bottle), landing gear tires for undue wear, the engine fan blades for damage and consistency, the tailhook for damage, and the presence of a “remove before flight” pin. Finally, I check the 60 sonobuoy chutes for buoy placement, security, and the load we want to carry.

The S-2, with newly developed active sonobuoys, would harass the Soviets with constant pinging. The goal was to keep the submarine down to the point of battery and/or air exhaustion, forcing him to surface. Sometimes, in rare cases, practical depth charges would be used to remind the wayward boat what it meant to "rule the seas."

During these concerted efforts, sometimes lasting for a day or two, the aircraft carrier and the remaining escorts would escape by putting miles between them and the Soviet threat. With the arrival of the nuclear submarine, the CVBG's status as ruler of the sea was not simply diminished, it was abdicated to this truly undersea warship.

To save even more time and money, and in exchange for a little fuel, the existing Cobham aerial refueling pod could be used under the wing instead of an internal system. In fact, the MQ-25 program requires the use of this pod on any entrants into the tanker-drone tender.

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Polish Air Force Aircraft

Polish Air Force Aircraft

Polish Air Force Aircraft - Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world's largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers.

The PZL P.24 became one of the most successful Polish aviation export products. It was sold to Bulgaria and Greece (each version reflecting the needs of the customer) and was sold alongside a production license to Romania and Turkey.

Polish Air Force Aircraft

Polish Air Force F-16S About To Deploy To Iceland For The First Time - The  Aviationist

Bulgarian fighters during the war were assigned to a fighter combat school (a factory designed by Polish engineers was planned to produce a new model under license but the war intervened). Romanian P-24 aircraft fought against the Soviet Union.

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Turkish ones were never used in combat and were retired in 1945. The Iskra is the mount of the Polish national aerobatic team, the Biało-Czerwone Iskry (the white-red sparks). The group has its roots in the Grupa Rombik (The Little Rhombus Team) that performed at air shows in Poland in the early 1970s.

The Iskry made their debut in 1991, at the Ławica airport show in Poland. The Polish industry then showcased the Iskra jet all around Europe, the jet making appearances at the 1976 and 1977 Farnborough Air Shows, and at the 1977 Paris Air Salon.

In 1964 the TS-11 prototype broke four in-class records, including a speed record of 521mph (839kph.) Intriguingly, the TS-11 never received a NATO reporting name. The Iskra (‘spark’) was the first indigenous Polish jet aircraft design.

The TS-11 Iskra was a straight-wing trainer designed by Tadeusz Sołtyk (mentioned above in the PZL-46 description) at the Warsaw Institute of Aviation. It made its first flight on February 5 1960. Between 1962 and 1987 more than 420 examples were manufactured, fifty of which were exported to India.

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The Indian Air Force operated Iskra trainers from 1976, received a further 26 examples in the 1990s, before retiring the type in 2004. The RWD name comes from the initials of three talented young engineers – Rogalski, Wigura and ewiecki – who established their own company and designed increasingly successful aircraft.

In the early 1930s the sports aircraft competition to win was the Challenge International des Avions de Tourisme, an incredibly demanding series of trials for aircraft intended to accelerate the development of aeroplane technology for trans-European touring.

The Final Batch Of Four Leonardo M-346 Delivered To Poland | Leonardo -  Aircraft

U.S. lawmakers pushed President Joe Biden's administration on Monday to facilitate the transfer of fighter aircraft to Ukraine from Poland as well as other NATO and Eastern European countries, after a plea on Saturday from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

read more "The authorities of the Republic of Poland ... are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America,"

The Hush-Kit Book Of Warplanes Will Feature The Finest Cuts From This Site Along With Exclusive New Articles Explosive Photography And Gorgeous Bespoke Illustrations Pre-Order The Hush-Kit Book Of Warplanes Here

the ministry said. In the 1960s Iskra stood a chance to become the standard jet trainer of the Warsaw Pact air arms, a hugely significant opportunity to consider the potential order size. It lost, however, to the Czechoslovakian Aero L-29 Delfín, despite beating it in the official assessment.

It was clear the Soviets had no wish for the Poles to win anything. Poland became the only Warsaw Pact nation to operate the Iskra. The sole prototype malfunction suffered a hydraulically operated landing gear malfunction in August 1939, making an evacuation from Warsaw impossible.

It is believed to have been served and to have served as an aircraft with the Luftwaffe. As for the pilot, Aleksander Onoszko, he flew 43 combat sorties in World War II with the Polish 304 Bomber Squadron on Wellingtons, later flying transatlantic missions on BOAC B-24 Liberators.

Several survived the War, which the Romanian government offered to return to Poland, however the Moscow-serving Communist government declined the offer as the existence of such planes would contradict the official propaganda line which claims that all pre-war Polish aircraft were utterly inferior.

At least two aircraft were repaired by the Germans and sent to the Rechlin E-Stelle for testing. Two examples of the aircraft were flown by the Soviet air force. In 1934, the RWD design team started work on a light twin for the ministry of transport, a design intended to carry eight people over medium distances at high speed.

The ministry did not pay at first, as a form of revenge on the factory which had refused to let itself be nationalised. In September 1939 the units equipped with the Łoś fought bravely against German armor and supply columns, but unfortunately their full potential was never reached due to grave tactical errors by the Polish high command.

Usa, Poland Discuss Replenishing Ukrainian Air Force | News | Flight Global

Some airframes were evacuated to Romania where they remained for the rest of the war; some of them were successfully used by the Romanians against the Soviet Union. Ukraine's military already flies Russian-made aircraft, making them the best choice for Ukrainian pilots who already know how to operate them, experts say.

Combat pilot training on U.S.-made aircraft can take years and requires a different pipeline for maintenance. This dialogue will close in 60 seconds or you can click the exit icon in the top right corner to go back to the flight map immediately.

We appreciate you trying our new Live Surface Map feature. If you have a couple of minutes, we'd like to collect your feedback on it. "At the moment, we don't have a replacement for the MiGs, but we are doing everything to speed up the processes," Nad said in a statement released after he spoke by phone with U.S.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. The RWD-6 was basically a prototype, and only eight were built. Some of them led extremely eventful lives: two were sold to Spain, where they were used as liaison aircraft in the civil war.

One crashed into the Baltic Sea while carrying a famous general to see his wife returning from the US on a Polish ocean liner. One was bought by a French aviation institute and was irreparably damaged when ignorant mechanics used acid to clean the engine (many parts were made of the lightweight Elektron which dissolves in acid).

Nowkuński, the engine design genius, died in a climbing accident in the Tatra mountains. Not a single RWD-9 survived the war. Poland is supporting Kyiv with defensive weapons, but has said it would not send jets to Ukraine, as it is not a direct party to the conflict between Ukraine - which is not a NATO ally - and Russia.

It had a delta wing with a 45-degree sweep, similar to that of the MiG-21. Two variants of the jet were to be manufactured – B and A, the former was to be a trainer, the latter was to an attack aircraft.

For commonality, armament was to be the same as that of the ‘Fishbed’. modified, the Grot design was modified to have one of the MiG-19's RD-9B engines in place of the originally decided twin SO-2s. Before we dig into the history of some brilliant and often overlooked aeroplanes, let us first look at the reasons that the Polish aviation industry was the way it was.

White House, Dod Lower Expectations Of Polish Warplanes For Ukraine

First, it's worth noting that Poland was the only country in Europe to match German developments in glider design in the pre-war period. While Germany was forced to choose that path due to the Versailles Treaty restrictions, Poland was simply poor, having just been resurrected in 1918 after 123 years of slavery under Prussian, Austro-Hungarian and Russian occupation.

After the TS-11, designer Tadeusz Sołtyk then proceeds to pursue an even more ambitious goal – the creation of a modern supersonic aircraft, the TS-16 Grot (‘Arrowhead’). The first steps in the Grot project were taken in 1958. The main intention was to create a lead-in trainer that would allow the pilots to get acquainted with flying a supersonic aircraft.

With the rather demanding MiG-21 forming the bulk of the Polish Air Force – this was very much needed. Originally, the design concept was known as the TS-13, which started in 1959. It resembled the F-101 Voodoo in wing planform.

Then, after the T-38 Talon made its maiden flight, the Grot was redesigned with the benefit of consideration of the Northrop design, and ultimately proposed to the air force. However, politics stopped the Grot dead in its tracks.

The engineer Bronisław Żurakowski created the Wilga 2 prototype with a new lighter fuselage in 1963. Still using a flat Continental engine, the aircraft was still current. The ultimate solution came in the form of the adoption of the far more powerful AI-14 Soviet radial engine (which worked well at low RPM).

This also contributes to the excellent STOL properties of the aircraft. With all these modifications in place the aircraft became the Wilga 3. This was further refined as the PZL-104 Wilga 35 which made its maiden flight in June 1967.

Stanisław Prauss reached England and in 1940 was employed by Westland Aircraft, where he worked on the Lysander, the Whirlwind and the Welkin. In 1946 he found employment at de Havilland, where he continued to work when the company became Hawker Siddeley;

notable aircraft he contributed to included the Comet, Trident and the A300. Stanisław Riess also reached England, and was employed by the AAEE at Boscombe Down. He was assigned the task of finding the reasons for the tendency of the Handley Page Halifax to enter a flat spin: during one of the flights he was unable to recover from the spin and was killed in the crash.

File:the Polish Air Force In The United Kingdom, 1939-1945. Ch589crop.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

The data collected during the fatal flight helped cure the problem. A total of 110 examples of the Iskra were still in service in the Polish Air Force in 2002, by 2013, only thirty airframes were still flying.

In 2016 Poland took delivery of the Alenia Aermacchi/Leonardo M-346 – the replacement of Iskra. The last training sortie made by an Iskra took place on December 9, 2020. Currently the Polish Air Force only has its aerobatic team, the Biało-Czerwone Iskry, flying the type.

Second, it has to be remembered that this newly independent nation only had 19 years in which to develop its indigenous technology before World War II started. Thirdly, the birth of the new Poland fueled an incredible amount of patriotic confidence within the Polish people, and aviation became one of the fields where they felt they could excel.

The prototype was used in a feature film where it took part in scenes filmed with a flight of PZL P-11 fighters. During the filming, the RWD factory test pilot, Aleksander Onoszko, outran the escorting fighters, thus creating even more animosity against RWD within the red-faced air force establishment.

Their pride stung, rather than ordering the RWD-11 as a fast medevac aircraft or a multi-engine trainer, the top brass simply pretended it did not exist. Show sources information Show publisher information Use Ask Statista Research Service

A smaller specialised crop sprayer aircraft was built in smaller series at the Okęcie works, the PZL-106 Kruk (Raven), also tested with a turboprop. For 42 years, Polish pilots flying the Kruks have been supporting crop-dusting operations in Sudan (worthy of an article in itself that we may come back to).

Competition gliding's popularity in Poland was growing. A reliable workhorse towplane was in demand, moreover, there was a lack of a modern, light multi-purpose aircraft. Short take-off and landing would be a desirable, combined with good performance and low-operating costs.

The requirement led to creation of the PZL-104 Wilga (thrush) at the WSK Okęcie facility. Designed by a team led by Ryszard Orłowski, it was made entirely of metal. The aircraft received a flat WN-6RB engine designed by Witold Narkiewicz.

Polish Air Force At 100

The prototype made its maiden flight on April 24 1962. The engine tended to overheat requires fuselage redesign. During the Cold War period, Poland was asked by the Soviets to develop an agricultural airframe that would incorporate jet propulsion.What followed was an utterly bizarre beast, the PZL M-15 Belphegor*.

Not only was it the only agriculture-focused jet design, it was also the only serially-produced jet-powered biplane. The goal was to replace the ubiquitous An-2 (produced in series in Poland for the Soviets). The Belphegor was a successful design for its time – when economy and fuel consumption was not a priority!

It was tailored to serve large fields and was capable of long-haul ferry flights. With vast fields to operate over, as impractical as the aircraft seems today, it served its purpose well back when it was needed.

Almost 200 examples were made between 1976 and 1982. You only have access to basic statistics. This statistic is not included in your account. Thank you. Our aviation shop is here and our Twitter account here @Hush_Kit. Sign up for our newsletter here.

The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes will feature the finest cuts from this site along with exclusive new articles, explosive photography and gorgeous bespoke illustrations. Pre-order The Hush-Kit Book of Warplanes here. Work on the PZL-46 light bomber commenced in 1936, with Stanisław Prauss as the lead designer.

Tadeusz Sołtyk, who would later work on the notorious TS-8 Bies and TS-11 Iskra, was his deputy. Henryk Milicer, who would go on to design the British Percival Provost trainer, was also a member of the team.

Losing on their home turf, the German contingent looked on bitterly as the Polish crew were decorated at the Berlin-Staaken airfield ceremony. Sadly, several weeks later the victorious crew perished in heavy weather over Czechoslovakia. Since Poland won the Challenge, it had to host the next contest in 1934, and this time the new Germany (under Hitler) intended to win back the Challenge.

With state aid, Messerschmitt's Robert Lusser set about designing an aircraft which would have a chance of winning against anything the Poles could bring (no other country actually counted as viable competitors any more). This was to be the Messerschmitt Bf-108 Taifun, which in its first iteration with its huge flaps and tiny ailerons close to the wingtips, was extremely unforgiving to fly.

During flight testing, flutter was encountered for the first time on a Polish-designed aircraft. To discover the range of wing vibrations the Polish engineers used a gramophone installed at a right angle, with the record replaced with a cardboard sheet…and a pencil.

The necessary changes revealed in this ingenious testing were introduced and the RWD-11 proved to be safe and pleasant to fly. With its two 200 hp Walter Major engines and refined aerodynamics it boasted an impressive performance.

The PZL-37 bomber featured some other innovations, including a revolutionary main landing gear unit, with a single strut supporting twin, elastically suspended wheels – this arrangement was very compact, easy to fold into the engine nacelle, and well suited to operating from

unprepared fields. After a number of teething problems and modifications (including the introduction of twin vertical tailfins) the ‘Moose’ went into production. Over 90 examples were completed and test-flown before the war.

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Russia Anti Aircraft Gun

Russia Anti Aircraft Gun

Russia Anti Aircraft Gun - He said the drones had damaged the front and central parts of the A-50 plane, including the aircraft's radar antenna and avionics. The two people who carried out the attack were now safely outside Belarus, he said.

Detentions are common in Belarus, for offenses as small as comments on social media, especially after Lukashenko crushed the mass pro-democracy protests in 2020 and jailed all leading opposition figures or forced them to flee abroad.

Russia Anti Aircraft Gun

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57mm S-60 towed anti-aircraft gun on display in the Saint Petersburg Artillery museum. Source: One half 3544 - © Public domain The Kremlin declined to comment on Azarov's claim, saying that the alleged incident had occurred on the territory of Belarus, which it said had denied the claim.

Mm S-

There was no immediate response to requests for comments from the Belarusian or Russian defense ministries. "I am proud of all Belarusians who continue to resist the Russian hybrid occupation of Belarus & fight for the freedom of Ukraine," Tsikhanouskaya, the opposition leader, wrote on Twitter, with a link to her adviser Viacorka's report.

A camera mounted on the drone showed how the pilots carefully navigated over the snow-covered Machulishchy air base near the Belarusian capital, buzzed along towards the spy plane and gently touched down on the radar dish mounted on top of its fuselage.

Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the world's largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers.

The S-60 is normally towed by 6x6 trucks such as the Ural 375 and Zil-151. It is designed to be used in a prepared firing position and cannot fire on the move. In an emergency situation the gun can be fired from its wheels but the chassis is severely strained and accuracy is impaired.

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Information You Can Trust

The ZSU-57-2 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun features two 57mm guns as used in the S-60. It has a much higher mobility, but lacks the option for radar guidance. The S-60 is a very powerful weapon system. Anti-aircraft guns often rely on either a high rate of fire or powerful shells to destroy their target.

The S-60 has both these features. The cyclic rate of fire of 105 to 120 rounds per minute allows for a practical rate of fire of 70 rounds per minute. The maximum horizontal range is 12 km with the maximum vertical range being 8.8 km.

The maximum effective range is 4 km as a standalone weapon and 6 km with fire control. In combat the S-60 proved to be most useful against fighter aircraft at altitudes between 0.5 and 1.5 km.

When used against ground targets, the effective range is up to 3 km. Additionally, 23-millimeter and 30-millimeter shells can still penetrate the enhanced armor of new attack helicopters, but they are not able to create the required density of fire, which guarantees the destruction of cruise, guided and anti-radar missiles, as well

Fire Control

as guided air bombs and drones. Therefore, the use of new weapons with a 57-millimeter caliber will be able to strike targets at an extended distance and height. Feb 27 (Reuters) - Belarusian anti-government activists said they had blown up a sophisticated Russian military surveillance aircraft in a drone attack at an airfield near the Belarusian capital Minsk, a claim that neither Russia nor Belarus confirmed.

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We'll ask you to confirm this for your first post to Facebook. The S-60 was widely used by Soviet and Eastern European forces. It was also widely exported to Soviet allies in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

In Soviet service the S-60 was replaced by the 9K33 Romb (NATO: SA-8 Gecko) self-propelled SAM system. By the late 1970's hardly any S-60 remained in service. However, the S-60 is still a very common weapon as it is used by many armies around the world.

Mm S-

Front and central parts of the AWACS Beriev A-50U aircraft as well as the radar antenna were later damaged from two explosions at the base amid the drone attack, Belarusian partisans and members of the country's exiled opposition said.

The plane - a Beriev A-50 aircraft - has the NATO reporting name of Mainstay and is an airborne early warning aircraft with command and control capabilities and the ability to track up to 60 targets at a time.

The S-60 can be used as a standalone weapon. In this case the operator aims the weapon using the sight unit. Up to six S-60 can be slaved to a PUAZO-5A fire director and SON-4 fire control radar.

Alternatively, the newer PUAZO-6 fire director and SON-9 Grom-2 fire control radar are used. Finally the RPK-1 Vasa fire control system on Ural 375 truck was developed. For the Chinese Type 59 the trailer mounted GW-03 director with LLP12 computer are used.

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Variants Of The S-

The increased caliber of the anti-aircraft cannon will reduce the ammunition carrying capacity, but the effectiveness of the system will remain high, as the amount of ammunition needed to destroy one target will decline. The system's larger caliber will enable users to fire not only at air targets, but also at ground targets if employing anti-aircraft, high-explosive and fragmentation, as well as sub-caliber, shells.

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, a key Putin ally (pictured together on February 17), provided Moscow with a launching pad for the invasion and there has been Russian and Belarusian military activity in the country since then

The new unit should be equipped with a telethermal optoelectronic system that ensures the efficient use of the antiaircraft system's standard weapons. The system should guarantee the destruction of enemy aircraft at a distance of 4-5 miles (6-8 kilometers) and drones at a distance of 2-3 miles (3-5 kilometers).

The S-60 is a towed single barrel 57mm anti-aircraft gun of Soviet origin. It was designed just after World War 2 to replace the 37mm M1939. It was also known as the AZP S-60 in Soviet service and as the M1950 in the West.

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It can be used as a standalone weapon or used in conjunction with fire control and radar. During several wars it proved to be a powerful weapon system. In modern armies the S-60 is replaced by surface to air missiles.

The S-60 remains a powerful but outdated weapon system. [1/4] Beriev A-50 early warning aircraft flies during a rehearsal for the Victory Day parade, which marks the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, near the Moscow International Business Center, also known as "Moskva-

Anti-Aircraft Missile And Gun System

City", in Moscow, Russia May 7, 2019. REUTERS/Evgenia Novozhenina You can choose on each post whether you would like it to be posted to Facebook. Your details from Facebook will be used to provide you with tailored content, marketing and ads in line with our Privacy Policy.

In recent months, Belarus and Russia have held a series of military operations and Ukraine has expressed fears that Minsk will enter the conflict. A number of Russian warplanes and early warning and control aircraft have been deployed to Belarus.

In September 2015, the Russian defense industry showcased the latest Derivatsiya system with the AU-220M cannon mounted on the BMP-3 amphibious armored vehicle at the international military exhibition RAE-2015 in the city of Nizhny Tagil in the Ural Mountains.

The performance characteristics of the new system are strictly classified, but it is known from open sources that it is also supposed to use guided missiles fired through the gun barrel, which serves as a launcher in this case.

The development of replacements for the global bestsellers – the Shilka and Tunguska anti-aircraft systems – was announced by the commander of Russia's ground forces air defense, Lieutenant General Alexander Leonov, on the Rossiya 24 TV channel in late December 2015.

Artillery systems of this caliber were actively used in the past, but did not become widespread in the armed forces. However, Derivatsiya's designers decided to return to the neglected caliber, as under the new conditions it has a number of advantages over existing cannons.

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57mm S-60 towed anti-aircraft gun on display in a museum in Israel. Source: Bukvoed - © GNU Attribution - Share Alike license "They were drones (that carried out the attack). The participants of the operation are Belarusians," Aliaksandr Azarov, leader of Belarusian anti-government organization BYPOL, was quoted as saying on Sunday on the organization's Telegram messaging app and on the Poland-

based Belsat news channel. The S-60 is a towed 57mm anti-aircraft gun of Soviet origin. There are no Soviet variants of the S-60, although over time different fire control systems have been employed with the S-60.

The S-60 has been produced in China since the late 1950's as the Type 59. The Type 59 is a close copy of the S-60 but is different in a few details and uses the Type GW-03 fire director.

It was not produced to replace the 37mm M1939 series anti-aircraft guns in Chinese service, but to complement them. The Hungarian SZ-60 and Polish production S-60 are completely similar to the original S-60. A camera mounted on the drone showed how the pilots carefully navigated over the snow-covered Machulishchy air base near the Belarusian capital, buzzed along towards the spy plane and gently touched down on the radar dish mounted on top of its fuselage.

The S-60 consists of a single 57mm 77-caliber autocannon mounted on a turntable on a four wheel chassis. A crew of seven is needed to operate the weapon. A forward facing gun shield is fitted to protect the crew from aircraft and ground fire.

The gun is fed from 4 round clips. The 57mm ammunition is not interchangeable with Soviet 57mm cannon ammunition used in the ZiS-2 anti-tank gun and ASU-57 assault gun. In the firing position the wheels are raised from the ground.

The weapon is supported by four outriggers: one at the front, one at the rear and one on each side. A unit of fire consists of 200 rounds. These are carried on the 6x6 truck used to tow the S-60.

The need for adopting a new anti-aircraft artillery system is attributed to the increased power of military helicopters equipped with anti-tank guided missiles that now can strike targets at a distance of 5-6 miles (8-10 kilometers), and up to

9.3 miles (15 kilometers) in the future.

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Puff The Magic Dragon Aircraft

Puff The Magic Dragon Aircraft

Puff The Magic Dragon Aircraft - A number of AC-47 pilots and crew members were cited for bravery while serving aboard the plane, including Medal of Honor recipient Sgt. John L. Levitow. Levitow was on an AC-47 that was struck by a mortar round.

The "U" also has an advanced array of sensors including forward- and side-looking radar, low-light television, infrared sensing devices (ISDs), a global positioning system (GPS), and inertial navigation systems. This gives the gunship, according to the Air Force, "a method of positively identifying friendly ground forces as well as effective ordnance delivery during adverse weather (and night) conditions."

Puff The Magic Dragon Aircraft

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The AC-47 initially used SUU-11/A gun pods that were installed on locally fabricated mounts for the gunship application. Emerson Electric eventually developed the MXU-470/A to replace the gun pods, which were also used on subsequent gunships.

Gunships Destroy Damage Enemy Vehicles

Although designated "Spooky" by the Air Force, the AC-47 was quickly nicknamed the "Puff the Magic Dragon" plane by ground troops. In some areas even its official call sign was changed from “Spooky” to “Puff.” Anyone who has ever heard Puff fire those three miniguns knows the reason for the new name.

The guttural roar made by the guns firing simultaneously could only come from a dragon—a very angry one. The idea for a side-firing gunship had been floating around military circles since at least 1926. In fact, the technique had been tested successfully in 1927 when 1st Lt.

Fred Nelson flew a DH-4 with a mounted .30-cal machine gun and destroyed a target on the ground. By then, the two converted gunships had flown 16 combat and 7 training missions. In February 1965, a gunship was sent to Bong Son, killing a hundred VC.

Another 150 or so VC are believed to have been killed in that action, but the survivors dragged away the bodies and a total body count was not possible. The truce of January 1973 ended American gunship operations in Vietnam and Laos.

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The Lockheed Ac-A Prototype Arrives For Testing

The last combat mission for American gunships was flown over Cambodia on August 15, 1973. Unquestionably gunships played a vital role in America's efforts in Vietnam and were responsible for saving thousands of American lives. During the winter campaign of ’71 to ’72, gunships destroyed or damaged over 10,000 enemy vehicles, destroyed 223 watercraft, and damaged 142 others.

Most gunship activity in 1972 countered assaults by Communist forces on fire-support bases and provided fire support for troops. Note: Comment submission is temporarily unavailable while we make improvements to the site. We apologize for the interruption.

If you have a question relating to the museum's collections, please first check our Collections FAQ. If you require a personal response, please use our Contact page. In September 1967, the first Lockheed AC-130A prototype arrived at Nha Trang Air Base and began its test program.

Like its predecessor, the AC-119, the AC-130A carried four miniguns; in addition, it was equipped with four 20-mm cannon with 2,500 rounds of high-explosive incendiary ammunition, advanced electronics sensors, fire control systems, and searchlights. Before the addition of the flare launcher, the crews of gunships had only two crude but innovative defenses against the heat-seeking SA-7 Strela missiles commonly used by the enemy.

Sos Arrives Near Saigon For Command Support

The first was for a crew member to manually fire a handheld flare directly at an oncoming missile while hanging out the open rear cargo bay ramp. The tactic was meant to confuse the missile's infrared tracking system by giving it another "hot" target to lock onto;

sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. The main problem was, you usually only had one shot. The 4th Airborne Command and Control Squadron (aka SOS, “Special Operations Squadron”) arrived at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, near Saigon, on November 14, 1965, with 16 combat gunships and four others for command support and attrition.

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Their mission was to respond with flares and firepower support of friendly positions during night attack, convoy escort, armed reconnaissance, close-air support, and interdiction. The development and early deployment of the AC-47 is the subject of The Gooney Bird by William C. Anderson.

Anderson went to Vietnam to research this novel, which features a fictional story written around a number of historical facts. The first night mission was flown on the night of December 23, over an outpost under attack near Thanh Yend.

The Lockheed C- Creep Shadow And Stinger

The ship fired more than 4,500 rounds of ammunition and dropped 17 flares, successfully halting the enemy assault on the outpost. In 1970, the Indonesian Air Force converted a formerly civilian DC-3. The converted aircraft was armed with three .50 caliber machine guns.

During 1975 the Indonesian Air Force used its "AC-47" in the Indonesian invasion of East Timor to attack the city of Dili. Later, the aircraft was used in Indonesian military CAS (Close Air Support) missions in East Timor.

A retirement date is unknown. The Douglas AC-47 Spooky (also nicknamed "Puff, the Magic Dragon") was the first in a series of gunships developed by the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. More firepower than could be provided by Light and medium ground-attack aircraft was thought to be needed in some situations when ground forces called for close air support.

But the Army Air Corps and the Army Air Forces never came around to the idea. It was 1963 before the idea of ​​a side-firing aircraft got another serious test. A C-131B modified with gunsights and a minigun was successful in early tests and the experiment was repeated with a C-47.

Gunship History 101: Between Spooky And Spectre There Were Shadow And  Stinger

Flir System Enhances Ship’s Abilities

Constitution Avenue, NW Between 12th and 14th Streets Washington, D.C. In seeking a replacement for the AC-47, the brass settled on the new Lockheed C-130. Unfortunately there were not enough of them available at the time, so the C-119G Flying Boxcar transport planes would be used until sufficient C-130s were available.

All AC-119G and K gunships were equipped with four miniguns and a NOD (Night Observation Device) or starlight optical sensor. In addition, all AC-119Ks were equipped with two 20-mm cannon and a side-looking radar. The later addition of a Forward-Looking Infrared Radar (FLIR) system greatly enhanced the ship's ability to detect and destroy enemy vehicles.

Even when stationary and hidden under heavy foliage, the new system could detect heat rising from still-warm engines. For the next four years, AC-47 gunships distinguished themselves in more than four thousand missions over South Vietnam and Laos.

They accounted for at least 5,300 enemy killed, and hundreds of enemy trucks destroyed or damaged. Not a single hamlet or fort defended by Puff was ever overrun. The effectiveness of such a gunship was dependent upon its ability to direct concentrated fire on enemy positions in close proximity to friendly forces.

The Evolution Of Puff The Magic Dragon Plane

The chosen craft also had to have enough power and cargo space to carry the necessary armament and heavy loads of ordnance. The Lockheed AC-130A prototype test program ended on December 12, 1967. The final evaluation stated that the AC-130 had three times the combat effectiveness of the AC-47.

The AC-130A gunship's principal advantages were more power (four engines), more cargo space, and more cargo-carrying capability. These advantages allowed the AC-130 to have more and larger armament, more ordnance, and more speed. The pilots would take off with a 7-man crew and seek out small bases and villages under fire by North Vietnamese forces.

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When fighting popped off, the crew would drop flares out of the open door and the pilot would fly a race track pattern over the target, pouring fire on it the whole time. In February 1972, the first AC-130E Specter was outfitted with a 105-mm Howitzer in place of one of the 40-mm Bofors cannons.

This gave the gunship a much greater firing range and allowed it to fire from a higher altitude. The addition of the Howitzer also made the gunship a much more effective spotter aircraft. A1C John L. Levitow, an AC-47 loadmaster with the 3rd SOS, received the Medal of Honor for saving his aircraft, Spooky 71, from destruction on 24 February 1969 during a fire support mission at Long Binh.

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The aircraft was struck by an 82 mm mortar round that inflicted 3,500 shrapnel holes, wounding Levitow 40 times, but he used his body to jettison an armed magnesium flare, which ignited shortly after Levitow ejected it from the aircraft, allowing the AC-47 to

return to base. The armament chosen for the gunships was the General Electric rotary-barreled M-134 machine gun, known as the “minigun,” which could fire either fifty or a hundred rounds of 7.62-mm ammunition per second. Initially three miniguns per ship would be fixed-mounted in a side-firing configuration.

Positioning the aircraft at the proper altitude and angle was the only means of aiming the weapons. The AC-130A prototype flew its last mission on November 18, 1968, and was returned to the States once more.

During its short combat career, the prototype was determined to be the most cost-effective close-support and interdictive craft in the U.S. Air Force arsenal. By 1969, the old AC-47s were beginning to wear out, and it was no longer feasible to keep rebuilding and maintaining them.

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Six “Spectre” Gunships In Southeast Asia

On December 1, 1969, a lone AC-47 gunship flew its final mission in Vietnam under American command. The remaining ships were turned over to the South Vietnamese and Laotian Air Forces and continued to fight. The mighty dragon Puff evolved from very humble beginnings.

The predecessor of the first fixed-wing gunship used in Southeast Asia was the WWII twin-engined C-47 (DC-3) “Gooney Bird,” which was first brought to Vietnam as a transport and cargo ship in November 1961. Shortly after

their arrival, many C-47s were outfitted as "flare ships" and designated FC-47 ("F" for flare) to drop huge parachute flares over enemy positions during night attacks. In November 1963, FC-47s flung more than seven thousand flares over enemy positions.

The first AC-119G gunships arrived in Vietnam in December 1968, as the 71st Special Operations Squadron. Four AC-119Gs were in the country by January 1969, but trials revealed that the craft was slow, hard to maneuver, and vulnerable to enemy ground fire;

Spooky And Puff

consequently it was not to be used in high-threat situations. Close-air support was the most appropriate use for the "G" model. This air-to-ground attack aircraft features advanced armament with new computer-directed gun systems. No longer stationary, or fixed-mounted, the guns now have computer-driven, trainable mounting systems, integrated with fire-control avionics.

These advanced fire-control systems are fed target coordinates from infrared and radar sensors. In September 1971, AC-119s began to be turned over to the South Vietnamese Air Force in preparation for the introduction of the latest model gunship, a converted four-engine C-130 cargo plane.

The transfers were completed and Vietnamese crews were fully trained by May. Appreciate the article, served Vietnam 66/67. Sent there as 5000 gal JP4, DIESEL, AV GAS, 500 POUNDERS, NAPALM, & any thing else ! Many of us have a zillion experiences.

Keep publishing them-our stories do matter! Thank you Bob Buckley As the United States began Project Gunship II and Project Gunship III, many of the remaining AC-47Ds were transferred to the Vietnam Air Force (VNAF), the Royal Lao Air Force (RLAF), and to Cambodia, after Prince Sihanouk was deposed in

By Ron Sanders

a coup by General Lon Nol.

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